"In science it often happens that scientists say, "You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken," and then they would actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day."
Carl Sagan (1987)
Making mistakes and accepting them is one of the reasons why we made so much progress in science in the past decades. It is painful when it happens, but every time we learn from these scientific mistakes. That is what "scientific innovation" is all about. One of the mechanisms to discover mistakes and make sure that scientists stay focused is the concept of peer-review. When you want to publish your results in a (well known) scientific magazine, you make sure it is read by knowledgeable peers (if only to prevent being shamed when mistakes are discovered after publication). In other words; scientists purposely seek critique and want to be challenged. If you can withstand the pushback of your colleagues, your hypothesis is one step closer to being true.
However, the last couple of years this "self-imposed" critique seeking process is crumbling down, endangering the progress in the scientific world. Before we try to find out why this is, we go back to the summer of 2011. In that year the scientific world was shaken by the discovery of one of the largest fraud cases. Diederik Stapel, at that time still a professor of Social Psychology at Tilburg University, confessed having falsified several data-sets used in his studies. An extensive report investigated all of Stapel's 130 articles and 24 book chapters. According to the first findings, on the first batch of 20 publications, 12 were falsified and three contributions to books were also fraudulent. How was it possible that over all these years, no one discovered or even suspected this? No co-authors, students, peers, or any one else.
Many have argued that this was a unique case. But that is to be seen. Of course the discovery of such a large scale fraud is seldom seen, but several investigations have shown that "photoshopping" results is not uncommon in the scientific world. A study already published in 2004 in BMC Medical Research Methodology claimed that a high proportion of papers published in leading scientific journals contained statistical errors. Not all of these errors led to erroneous conclusions, but the authors found that some of them may have caused non-significant findings to be misrepresented as being significant (1).
The different ways to manipulate results is for another blog, but here I'm more interested in how it is possible that so many "mistakes" are not seen during peer-review. The answer is actually very simple; because peers don't see read the articles. Today the primary focus of a scientist is to produce papers, not to review those of others. Have a look at the infograpic shown here.
If you were to print out just the first page of every item indexed in Web of Science, the stack of paper would reach almost to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. This graph also shows that only the top meter and a half would have received 1,000 citations or more (2).
Research has become Publication Driven. Universities compete on research money and students. In order to reach their goals they have set productivity goals. The KPIs set encourage the production of many papers with high visibility (in order to reach the top of the pile and thus being noticed). Publication driven KPIs promote a calculating behavior: what topic brings me money or gets me students? Assessments are therefor not based on quality but on quantity (3).
Frits van Oostrum (President of Dutch Royal Acadamy of Science from 2005 till 2008) said it like this in 2007:

If you were to print out just the first page of every item indexed in Web of Science, the stack of paper would reach almost to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. This graph also shows that only the top meter and a half would have received 1,000 citations or more (2).
Research has become Publication Driven. Universities compete on research money and students. In order to reach their goals they have set productivity goals. The KPIs set encourage the production of many papers with high visibility (in order to reach the top of the pile and thus being noticed). Publication driven KPIs promote a calculating behavior: what topic brings me money or gets me students? Assessments are therefor not based on quality but on quantity (3).
Frits van Oostrum (President of Dutch Royal Acadamy of Science from 2005 till 2008) said it like this in 2007:
"Especially where the (in itself noble) principle to measure is to know entered into a covenant with the fear for substantive judgment, it has led to the glorification of the number, and preferably the large and growing one. And what is not countable, does not count. It leads to putting means (measurement) over goal (quality).
These are obviously very insidious mechanisms, with a high probability of perversion, as we all know. Because researchers must of course be productive, but none of us will propose that someone who produces thirty articles per per year is a better researcher or scholar than someone with three; or that the teacher who dutifully adheres to the study guide and passes 90% is a better teacher than the one who regularly improvises and rejects 30%. But monetizing, measuring and quantifying lead naturally to the dream of more so-called benefits and for less costs" (4). (see the full speech here - in Dutch)
These are obviously very insidious mechanisms, with a high probability of perversion, as we all know. Because researchers must of course be productive, but none of us will propose that someone who produces thirty articles per per year is a better researcher or scholar than someone with three; or that the teacher who dutifully adheres to the study guide and passes 90% is a better teacher than the one who regularly improvises and rejects 30%. But monetizing, measuring and quantifying lead naturally to the dream of more so-called benefits and for less costs" (4). (see the full speech here - in Dutch)
I'm not claiming that the publication KPI is single-handedly responsible for a crisis in the science world. But many researchers are dispirited to review their colleagues because of the fact the they are rated on production not on reading. Furthermore, it always has been very difficult to publish research that showed no significant effects (in it self, that is an important finding - so researchers know what not to research in the future). The publication KPI is not helping either in that respect. Only noticeable papers can count on being published, so better to keep the NO SIGNIFICANT RESULT papers in the drawer and continue the search for "real" findings. And what happens if those results won't come quick enough.....
Next time we'll have a look at KPIs in Government
(1) Emili Garcia-Berthou and Carles Alcaraz, Statistical Errors, BMC Medical Research Methodology 2004, 4:13
(2) see here for more details on the "paper mountain"
(3) This paragraph was based on a presentation from R. Abma (Scholar General Social Sciences at the University of Utrecht and author of De publicatiefabriek). The presentation was given during the Skepsis Congres 2014.
(4) Vooral waar het op zichzelf nobele beginsel meten is weten een monsterverbond
aanging met schrik voor het inhoudelijke oordeel heeft dit geleid tot de verheerlijking van het
getal, en liefst het grote en het groeiende. En wat niet telbaar is, telt niet. Het leidt ten diepste
tot het overschaduwen van doel (kwaliteit) door middel (meting).(3) This paragraph was based on a presentation from R. Abma (Scholar General Social Sciences at the University of Utrecht and author of De publicatiefabriek). The presentation was given during the Skepsis Congres 2014.
Dit zijn natuurlijk zeer verraderlijke mechanismen, met een hoge kans op pervertering,
zoals wij allen weten. Want onderzoekers moeten uiteraard wel produktief zijn, maar niemand
onder ons zal ook maar een moment staande houden dat iemand die dertig artikelen per jaar
produceert daarom een betere onderzoeker laat staan geleerde is dan iemand met drie; of dat
de docent die braaf de studiewijzer aanhoudt en bij wie 90% slaagt een betere leraar is dan
wie geregeld improviseert en 30% afwijst. Maar monetariseren, meten en becijferen leiden als
vanzelf tot de wensdroom van meer zogenaamde baten voor minder zogenoemde kosten.
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